Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Naturalists: How to Trim Your Ends

 The mere thought of trimming the ends of natural hair is a daunting task for many. It is a lot easier for relaxed women and women with naturally straight hair to trim because the hair lays flat. Kinky hair strands are several different lengths at any given time. So how do you get a clean trim to remove those annoying split ends? It is simpler than you think, and in a few simple steps, you can rid your hair of damaged ends and be on your way to having the best black hair ever!

Step 1

Depending on the desired precision, twist your entire head into a series of small to medium sized two-strand twists. When you do this, be sure to twist the ends all the way down to ensure a cleaner cut.

Step 2

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The biggest mistake many women make is using a scissors to trim their hair that they use to do pretty much everything else around the house. That is a VERY BAD idea. If you do not have a designated hair trimming scissors, you should probably invest in one. Black hair strands are very delicate and therefor you should only use a very sharp pair of shears used only to trim your hair. There are microscopic nicks in regular scissor blades that can cause more harm than good if you use them to trim your ends. Make a three-dollar investment and save your hair from further damage.

Step 3

Finally, tug lightly on each twist and trim off a quarter inch to one inch of damaged ends, and then you are done! It is that simple and the best part is that you do not need a second pair of hands; you can do this all by yourself.