What do you want your hair to do?
Whether you use a homemade concoction from your kitchen or high end formulas from the salon there's one thing certain; black women are on a relentless mission to find the best black hair care products. When it comes to treatments how much do you really know. There really is no cookie cutter black hair conditioner. Black hair conditioners are specially formulated to treat specific problem areas women of ethnicity face from day to day.
The most popular black hair issues black women face are moisture - or lack thereof, breakage - mostly due to chemical processing and slow growth which results from dryness and breakage. Finding the best black hair treatment solution isn't as difficult as one would think. The notion that you should have to spend big bucks in order to get the desired results is ridiculous. Here I will help you treat you hair issue while saving you cash and time.
Best Black Hair Treatments for Dryness
After you have gathered and combined all the ingredients in a bowl mix together thoroughly. It is advised that you wash all grease, gels or chemicals from your hair before you begin to ensure your hair is clean and that the hair follicle itself is not coated with any substances. This is to ensure that the follicle absorbs all ingredients in your mixture. Apply blended mixture on your hair making certain you are covered from root to tip. Next cover your hair with a plastic cap and sit under the dryer for 15-25 minutes depending on the level of dryness of your hair.
When rinsing your hair from any type of application you should always rinse in the direction that your hair grows naturally. You will find that your hair is less tangled after washing. Another tip is towel blotting your hair dry and avoid rubbing your hair in all direction when drying. After you have towel dried your hair, use a wide tooth comb to begin detangling from ends to root. Never start combing wet hair from the roots! Clearing hair from tips reduces the amount of breakage drastically. Style as usual and notice how shiny your hair is.
Best Black Hair Treatments for Breakage
- Large egg - 1
- Mayonnaise - 1/2 cup
- Pure Olive Oil - 2 tsp

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